Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reading List for 2012

I have a serious obsession to books now. In order to somewhat organize my life and all the books I want to reread and read this year, I have decided to start a list. Most of them are going to be for pregnancy and birth, and parenting. I will continue to add to this list, instead of feeling overwhelmed when I come across another book I want to read. Feel free to post some suggestions in the comments. I mean, if I am making a list, lets go for it and make a long one! Many of those on my list I have read, but its about time I do some rereading as well. I have a lot of these books, if anyone wants to borrow :)

*Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
*Spiritual Midwifery
*Birthing from Within
*The Vaccine Book Dr. Sears
*The Baby Book Dr. Sears
*The Attachment Parenting Book Dr Sears
*Thinking Women's Guide to a Better Birth
*The Pregnancy Book Dr. Sears
*The Birth Book Dr. Sears
*Pushed by Jennifer Block
*Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Seigel
*Read Food for Mother and Baby by Nina Planck
*The Doula Book by Marshall Klaus
*No Cry Sleep Solution Dr. Sears
*Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices

and the list shall continue!

I am hoping to get one book read every 2 weeks!


  1. I'm reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth right now and really enjoying the vast amount of information in it! Her experience in the field of midwifery is extremely valuable.

    My midwife also recommended (and I've begun the process of reading) Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn by Penny Simkin. It's a very comprehensive book that includes both the techo-medical and the midwifery stances on pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Well organized and quite informative.

    The other book my midwife suggested that I haven't gotten around to yet is Natural Healthy Pregnancy by Shonda Parker... but obviously I can't say I've read it yet... :)

  2. I read the Vaccine book by Dr. Sears....very good book! I ended up buying it!
