Needless to say, pandora has been on constantly in our home. The past week G hasn't really been herself. She is way more fussy, gassy, and not too fun. I keep thinking she is getting sick but Tim just thinks I'm paranoid.
Last night after youth group we were feeding her a bottle I had pumped and after about 2 minutes in she started SCREAMING! This was no ordinary cry, it was a "I'm going to die" cry. I have never not been able to settle G down. Something I do eventually will calm her down quite quickly. This was different. For the first time no matter the position or the bounce or the shush she was NOT settling down.
After all attempts to calm her I yelled for Tim to turn on worship music. Tim turn pandora on our computer and I sat with her shush her and singing every song that came on. Shockingly this was doing nothing. I was out of tricks. My baby continued to SCREAM and nothing I was doing was helping. It was getting late and way past our bedtime. I was getting frustrated and discouraged.
Then God showed up and allowed me to actually listen to the words I was singing to my beautiful daughter. I was singing these worship songs to her and although they weren't quieting her, they were quieting my soul. I was able to sit there and just worship my God.
Being a mom I have found little time to sit still and worship my God. I am usually concerned & distracted with G but last night, even though she was screaming in my ear, I just sang to my God and was able to worship Him in such a stillness in my soul. It was truly a supernatural experience with my Lord. A worship time that was not at church, it was not planned or set up, but yet my Lord met me there and it was such a humbling time. He met me where I was, holding a screaming baby, tired, frustrated, concerned, and he met me. It didn't matter that I had been puked on, or that I had bags under my eyes, or that I didn't really try to meet with him, he still met me.
I am so blessed to have a God who WANTS to meet with me, even when I am not the most desirable.