Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Dear Sweet Elijah,

Today was your due date. Although I long to hold you in my arms and kiss on your sweet face, that will not come. Today is very bittersweet. If you had not left us so early, we would not be expecting Avalyn in 5 weeks. I long to meet my sweet Ava just as I long to one day meet you, sweet boy. Please know that you were just as wanted and longed for as your sisters. I cannot wait until the day where I can finally hold you in my arms for the first time. That day will not be today, and I am grieved that today I am not spent birthing you and meeting you, but I hold onto a hope. A hope to hold you, and a hold to see you. Please know that when the time comes next month to birth your sister, you will not be forgotten and you are forever in mama's heart. I love you sweet boy!

Your Mama

1 comment:

  1. My mom miscarried before me. If she had not I would not of been born. I know it was so hard for her but she says it's exactly what God wanted.
