Friday, August 24, 2012

{9 Months} ::Pregnancy Update::

Forgot a picture with this post, but you can look at the post before it for most recent pictures :)

How far along? 36.2 weeks
Overall Emotion last month? excited and thrilled! It is coming so soon and I am getting so excited to meet my girl. I have been feeling good and excited for this birth. I can't believe I am due in less than a month. I am eagerly waiting for labor, but relaxed in knowing that my girl knows her birth day!
Maternity clothes? yup, AND I found all of my lost maternity clothes that were stored at my parents house....just in time to not need them anymore ;)
Sleep: Still pretty tired, up at least 5 times a night to go potty. Avalyn dropped last week so potty breaks some a lot more often. Rolling over in bed is a fun game. Tim gave up sleeping in bed with me because I take up too much room and rock the bed when I roll over every hour. He moved a mattress in from the guest bedroom onto the floor. He snuggles me to sleep and then moves down there to sleep. He loves it and said he hasn't slept better in years! He thinks he is moving back in bed with me after the baby comes but I think there will be less room with Avalyn in there.
Best moment this month: I have had lots. Taking maternity photos, visiting with my midwife, going to a beautiful wedding at an orchard in Wisconson. I loved gathering all of my birth supplies and putting it all together. I still have some stuff I want to get done before Ava comes but don't have a lot of free time to do it. Overall we have had a fun month and next month is packed full of fun and exciting things as well. Tim and I are going on a babymoon in a few weeks a night away in a hotel is going to be great!
Weight Gain: +22lbs
Movement: She isn't in my ribs as much as she dropped down lower but she still moves quite a bit.
.Food cravings: bananas, peanut butter, peanut butter oreos (did you know they had such an amazing invention?)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing really
Have you started to show yet: growing bigger but I really dont "feel" that big. WIth Gracelyn I felt pregnant, I felt like I was carrying around a huge belly, this time, there are times when I dont even notice it.
Wedding rings on or off? still on but getting tighter.
Looking forward to: Babymoon with Tim, Blessingway with some special friends, and getting to spend some time with G alone before Avalyn comes. I am offically done with work on September 7th, so then I get to be home with G every day!
One thing I did well this month? Pilates, took a lot of walks, stretches
One thing I can work on this month? Enjoying the time I have left alone with G, finish things for Ava before she comes, and staying active until labor.
Bigger/Smaller than last pregnancy: I think I am smaller still, at least I feel smaller.
Protein intake this month: Decent, but could be better
How does body & knee feel? Better than last month :)
Book Currently reading: Continue to read positive birth stories at and

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