Monday, July 2, 2012

{7 months} ::Pregnant Update::

How far along? 28 weeks 5 days
Overall Emotion last month? SHOCK. I can not believe how fast this pregnancy is going. With Gracelyn it felt like it went so slow, and I am sure that is because I didn't know what to expect, but it has FLOWN by!
Maternity clothes? Yes,  I can still fit into some pre-pregnancy jeans with the ol' rubber band trick
Sleep: Doing well, I fall asleep in .2 seconds but of course get up about 5 times to pee
Best moment this month: Getting a few things for Avalyn's room like painting letters for her room (see below) and getting to feel her WAY more, she is much more active than Gracelyn was.
Weight Gain: +10lbs
Movement: Oh yes, she makes sure she is known in there. I don't remember feeling Gracelyn as much as I do Avalyn, I can feel her legs and grab ahold of them when she pushes out.
Food cravings: peanut butter...and junk food :-( 
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really, getting pretty sick of Mexican type foods though.
Have you started to show yet: yes, I feel quite a bit bigger than last month.
Wedding rings on or off? still on and loose
Looking forward to: hanging things up in Ava's room, ordering some home birth supplies, and spending alone time with Gracelyn before she has a sister
One thing I did well this month? Focused on my birth plans, and prepared mentally for an amazing experience
One thing I can work on this month? Diet was not as good as last month, and I can feel it in my body when I don't eat as well. On the days I eat good, I don't even feel pregnant and could run a marathon!
Bigger/Smaller than last pregnancy: I would say about the same, maybe smaller, just for fun here is a photo of my belly 7 months pregnant with Gracelyn, what do you think??

Protein intake this month: Not terrible, but not as great as I can do, and as I did last month
How does body & knee feel? Like I said before, I feel great when I eat great, you would think that would teach me to eat great all the time, but sometimes a craving overtakes me...
Book Currently reading: Continued reading/watching positive birth stories, and reading Spirit-Led Parenting, which is a great book!

Here are the letters we painted for Avalyn's room:

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