Sunday, June 17, 2012

Daddy of the Year!


I don't think I truly understood how much I loved you until you became the father of our daughter. I have continued to love you more and more since our wedding day, but my love for you took on a new identity when you became a daddy. I could not have prayed for a better husband or a better father to be by my side. You continue to amaze me with how nurturing and loving you are towards Gracelyn. You truly are her bestest friend. I am honored to be able to be in this journey of parenting with you and I continue to pray that as we draw closer to God, and to each other, we would be a strong model for our girls. I am so proud that my daughters have a man in their life from birth that love them for who they are, and will show them their worth and their beauty in Christ all of their lives. I could not ask for more! I am so excited to bring another daughter into the world with you. Thank you for sacrificing daily for our growing family, it does not go unnoticed. Our girls are beyond blessed to have a model of what a loving husband is, and a model for what love and value you hold for their mother. You are my best friend and I am so thankful to be on their journey of parenting with you.  Gracelyn and Avalyn are truly blessed!

Love you always,
You wife

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