Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Planning a HBAC

I have thought about writing this post for about 6 months now. I have started it and erased it about 10 times and have struggled with deciding to share this or not. I had decided upon waiting until after Avalyn was born to share this to help keep the negative comments and feedback from filling my mind, but for some reason it all poured out today. I am going to be vulnerable and share this with you, I just ask that you please respect me and not judge me. (You don’t want to make a pregnant women cry, do you?)
We are choosing to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and you can read about that choice here, where I blogged about it before. The part I left out of that blog is that our VBAC birth is also going to be a home water birth.
As I have said before, I think there are risks with any choice you make regarding your birth. I love Mama Birth’s post on risk, read it here. You have to weigh the risks and benefits for yourself, and make an informed decision for you and your baby.  I can look into the same information as a friend and we may decide upon different paths for our birth experience, and THAT IS OKAY! Just because I may choose to birth in a specific location, does not mean that I believe every woman should do the same as me. We came upon the decision to have a homebirth for Avalyn long before she was ever conceived. I have been hesitant to share this with you all because just as you do not want to be judge for the birthing path you choose, neither do I. We have prayerfully come upon this decision and I have never been at more peace about it.
I am not choosing a homebirth because I think I am stronger or better than other mamas, or because I value the “birth experience” over my baby’s safety, I am choosing a homebirth for MY BABY and my body. I want an experience that will limit unnecessary interventions and allow my baby and my body to do what it was CREATED and DESIGNED to do. I do not believe pregnancy and birth is a medical emergency. I believe pregnancy and birth is as natural as it gets, perfectly designed by my Creator. I am thankful for medical interventions and hospitals for the times when an emergency arises, but I believe those emergencies are far and few between when there are no other interventions being done and the mama takes good care of herself.
I have been seeing an amazing midwife throughout my pregnancy and feel very peaceful about her 30 years of knowledge and experience. I have decided to do dual care for my pregnancy which means that I also see an OBGYN for prenatal appointments and checkups. I chose to do dual care because if there was a medical emergency I wanted to have a relationship and foundation with an OBGYN so that the hospital transfer would go smoothly and without unnecessary fears. I do not see an OBGYN because I in any way doubt my midwife’s ability to handle my birth. My OBGYN has been amazing and supportive of all my desires for this birth experience. We have discussed and planned for the unlikely event that a hospital transfer would be necessary, and the things I would want and not want done. She feels confident with our plan and has not has any negative feedback, or concerns.
I continue to see my midwife monthly along with seeing my OBGYN. I mostly check in with my OBGYN to continue the relationship and information flow, but consider my real appointments to be with my midwife. My prenatal appointments at done at my midwife’s house. It is such a different experience from the hard, cold, rushed feelings I felt with my prenatal appointments with Gracelyn. I am encouraged, uplifted, and at peace. The appointments are calm, informative and inspiring. My blood pressure is checked, my weight is check, and my urine is check. After all of the checking turns out perfectly, she feels Avalyn’s position, size and growth. She sits and talks with Tim and me about fears, concerns, issues, and excitement. She is patient and calm. She is understanding and supportive. She is everything I want in a provider for this birth. We are planning to have a home water birth with a very experienced and knowledgeable midwife. We want our close family and friends to be able to experience this joyous and peaceful time with us.
It is such a surreal feeling to walk around my house knowing that Avalyn will be brought peacefully into the world there. When labor time comes, there won’t be a need for packing, rushing, or speeding. We will feel calm and peace as I labor throughout my own home, in my own clothes, with the people that I choose to be there. There won’t be any big bright lights, fear, chaos, or stress. Avalyn will be welcomed into my arms with peace, joy, love and family. I can’t dream of a better birth for us!


  1. Beautiful Abby! That is what I love about being a parent....each of us gets to make the best decision for our child. And that is why God put Avalyn in your family....b/c he knew you would make the best decisions for would would be the best mommy and daddy for her. Love you and can't wait to meet your little girl.

  2. Congrats Abby! As a fellow home water birth mommy, all I can say is you are in for one life altering experience! There is nothing as wonderful as bringing your child into this world on your terms in such a loving and stress free environment! Enjoy every second of it!!! Oh, and I recommend getting in the water sooner rather than later... sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much less painful!! By the way, is your midwife Brandee or Bernice?

  3. I am so, so excited for you, Abby. I believe you are absolutely the woman for this decision. You have the courage, faith and drive to do what you believe is best and I commend you. I, too, am planning a home birth here in Egypt for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the horrendous filth of the hospitals and clinics, aside from obvious fears resulting from not understanding and being understood in labor due to the language barrier. Scary, I tell ya! I also feel excited about my baby coming into the world in our home. I was having some BH contractions the other night and not sure if they were the real thing and my husband frantically asks me what we should do. I calmly replied, "Nothing. We wait." It's so great knowing there is no rushing or packing or "is it for real?!" feelings. I look forward to following your experience, and will share mine when the time comes (any day now, please! ha ha).
