Monday, February 13, 2012

Inductions & Birth

Birth can be a vert sacred thing, and a personally experience. I have been hesitant to write this post because I do not want to offend anyone, or bring guilt to anyone. I simply want to share my story, and a bit about my beliefs on birth. You don't have to continue reading. Really, you can stop here if you want, and I won't be hurt.

I want to start by sharing a bit about Gracelyn's birth. I got induced with a drug that was never approved by the FDA to even use in pregnant women to start labor. The drug is called cytotec and is used to treat stomach ulcers. The manufactures of cytotec DO NOT recommend its use to induce labor. One of the greatest risks of this drug for women in labor is that it can cause the uterus to hyper-stimulate, which basically means one constant contraction that hardly releases and lets up. After having 3 doses of this drug, and then receiving pitocin, I of course hyper-stimulated and had severe constant contractions for most of my 36 hour labor. THIS is the reason that Gracelyn's heart rate went downhill. THIS is the reason that led to my c-section. A baby that is put under the pressure of a constant contraction, of course would go into distress if it was not delivered soon enough.

I was told I was 40 weeks when I got induced, after my due date had been changed a few times. Sadly, when Gracelyn was born the pediatrician said that she was actually only 37 weeks, BARELY not being considered a premie. THIS is why my body did not tolerant an induction. I was NOT ready, my body was NOT ready, and Gracelyn was NOT ready. Sad to say but this happens often.

I wanted to share this because so often we look at a situation like mine and think, "well, thank God she was in a hospital and could have a c-section to save Gracelyn." I agree, the c-section did save Gracelyn, BUT it was ONLY necessary because I chose interventions that led directly into a c-section. Now, I do not think every induction will lead to a c-section, but I do think in this country we induce WAY too often, and for reasons that are NOT medically necessary. I do think there are times that induction can save a women's life and the life of the baby. But in a healthy pregnant mama, induction is GREATLY overused.

I want to be clear that I do not, nor will I ever judge another women for their birth experience. I want to educate, and help women who want something besides the typical hospital, medicated, intervention-filled, birth. Some women don't. Some women have no issue with their birth that was medicated and went fine. THIS IS FINE WITH ME. I am just here in hopes to educate women who want something different. Birth can be an amazing experience, one that empowers, one that enlightens, and one that you can look back on and cry tears of joy. I want this for every women. I know that the more interventions that you have (including epidurals and medication), the more likely you are to need a c-section and end up with a birth experience that you may regret.

This is my passion for becoming a birth doula. This is my passion for birth. I believe God created women's bodies to birth. I believe God designed our bodies to know what to do during birth. I believe that doctors can help during issues that can sometimes arise during birth, but MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, I believe women can deliver their babies.

I am so thankful for my birth with Gracelyn and the mistakes I made because it did teach me so much, and made me so passionate. But this next birth, won't be anything like it ;)

I plan to post more about my plans for our upcoming birth, but am still praying about exactly what parts to share!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are young and passionate about natural births! Nowadays it is so unusual to want a natural birth and is so many times looked down upon, and even talking about going to hospital and having the baby without drugs is looked down upon. Its very inspiring and so nice to see someone young with this much passion about this topic because its dying out in the US.
