Monday, March 22, 2010

A new world

I woke up this morning dreaming of a world. A world that believes in true satisfaction. A world that believes in true happiness. A world that screams, "YOU ARE WORTHY!" A world that when you look out upon it, you feel complete. Isn't this world a world every person deep down strive to seek for?

This new world seems very different from the one we live in today. As a women in our current world, I am told very different things than that which the new world tells. In my current world I am told that I need more, I need more clothes, more money, or more time. Some days I am too fat, or Im too______(fill in the blank). I am told that some days I'm not good enough. Good enough for my friends, my husband, or my God. In this current world, I face a voice that tells me that if I could only be a better Christian, or closer to God, I would find fulfillment in my life. Although wanting to have a better relationship with God is not necessarily a bad thing, but if we want a good thing so desperately, we let desire turn bitter, and end up stealing from ourselves. You see, there also seems to be a part of the world we live in, even as Christian women, that looks down upon confession. This isnt really something I think may Christian women would say, but we all seem to have our own little secrets. We sometimes as Christian women mistakenly believe that confession makes us weak but on the contrary, our hidden defeats wear us down. Confession allows us freedom. I know I am not the only women who struggles with which world to follow, or feeling unworthy or unloved. So often it is easier to believe that we are worthless and weak than it is to truly accept that in God we are incomparably valuable and loved.

The truth is women, we live in this world, but yet we are called to not be of it. I spend so much more time filling my mind with T.V., billboards, gossip, then I do allowing the Maker to tell me who I really am. A quote that I have to read everyday is taped to my mirror. When I put my makeup on every day I am confronted by this truth:
"Each day it is absolutely crucial for me to listen for God's voice, affirming that I am God's beloved child. Only then can I resist the temptation to reinhabit my false identity. Only when I am listening to God's voice, and not my own, am I set free from having to prove to the world (or to myself) that I am worth loving, because God has already, repeatedly, affirmed his love for me."

You see, this new world I dreamed of today is a world that although I do not live there right now, I must visit this new world daily, for strength and so my Maker can tell me really who I am:

Loved. Worthy. Beautiful.


  1. Thank you for that reminder, Abby. I love that quote! What a beautiful reminder!

  2. Oh, WOW!!! So you are a writer too!!??/
    This is too cool.
    Maybe we can be bloggites as well!!!!
