Sunday, April 15, 2012

ER Experience

Friday Gracelyn had been acting sick but
by Friday night her fever wasn't breaking with tylenol and it had reached to 104. We decided to called the Dr and he said if we couldn't get it down under 103 in a few hours then we needed to go into the Emergency Room. Thankfully we got her fever down with a cool bath and although she is still acting sick, she is doing much better!

We were supposed to be helping our friends move this weekend and packing for our move next weekend, but that just didn't seem in the cards for us.

Saturday morning I awoke to very painful cramping at around 4 a.m. At first I thought maybe I needed to go to the bathroom, but that didn't help at all. I tried different positions, laying down, having some water and taking a shower, nothing seemed to help and it was very painful. We were supposed to be leaving for our midwife appointment at 11am but it was becoming clear that I wouldn't be able to make the almost 2 hour drive to see her. I called and was told to head to the hospital to get monitored.

Gracelyn was still sick so Tim stayed home with her, and I somehow drove myself to the ER. When I arrived they refused to let me go up to LnD to get monitored because I wasn't 20 weeks yet. They made me stay in the ER. A nurse came in to ask me questions and hook me up to a IV to get some fluids, and I was in so much pain I was out of it. The nursed asked when I had tylenol last, and I told her I had not taken any because I wanted to wait until I knew what was going on.

I guess that wasn't clear enough and after she finished putting in my IV she said, "I gave you morphine to help with the pain". I was dying inside! I was so mad, and alone and in
pain. I couldn't believe she just gave that to me without asking me first. After waiting another hour and a half alone and drugged up, someone finally came in to give me a ultrasound. During the ultrasound I asked the tech what she could see, and she said that only the doctor could tell me and turned the screen away so that I couldn't see it. Which of course freaked me out, but I was too out of it to know what was going on.

I was brought back to my room where I was for another few hours alone, the Doctor finally popped his head in, only around the curtain, didn't even come into the room. He said that baby looked good on sono and my cervix was closed, so the nurse would be in with my discharge papers. When the nurse came in, I asked why I wasn't being monitored and she said that I wasn't 20 weeks so I couldn't be since my cervix was closed on the ultrasound. They sent me home., drugged and without answers.

This was such a frustrating trip and I was still in a lot of pain. I am so thankful for my midwife and I felt better after talking to her on the phone. She asked a lot of questions and finally suggested that maybe I had some adhesions from my c-section and sometimes they can be bad enough they cause a lot of pain. Usually people get adhesions with any abdominal surgery, but sometimes can be bad.

This sounded exactly like the pain I was experiencing, which was a tightening, and pulling sensation across my entire uterus, up above my belly button. I did some research after talking with her and I am convinced this is the issue. The only problem is that there isn't a way to fix it, and as my uterus continues to grow it will just stretch and rip apart. It shouldn't last the entire pregnancy but will still be there for a few more weeks.

Nothing seems to help, if I am completely still and don't move it is bearable, but any moving kills! Another weird part of this is when I awoke yesterday morning my "bump" which was a pretty good size is completely gone. Like gone, gone. I am assuming it is from the adhesion's tightening, once they rip I'm sure it'll return.

So in the mean time, I am going to just practice my relaxation techniques for labor and try to take it easy. Which is much easier to say than do since we have a lot of packing left to do, and we are moving in 5 days.

Prayers will be appreciated.

In case you are curious, this is what an adhesions looks like. All the cob webby looking things are the adhesions that should not be there, and will rip as uterus grows.

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